As of 2014, Florida timberland ownership, which supports the forest products industry, was 71 percent private, 1 percent state and local, and 11 percent federal. Florida’s 15.4 million acres of timberlands supported economic activities that generated $16.09 billion in total output impacts in 2014. (FDACS 2017)

Find a County Forester
For advice about managing your forestland, call your County Forester. A County Forester can visit your land and make recommendations about forest managment planing, cost-share programs, insect and disease identification analysis and more.

For Landowners
Programs are available to help you protect and improve your Florida forestland. Find assistance with reforestation, southern pine beetle prevention, cogongrass treatment, longleaf pine and many more programs.

Current Fire Conditions
Find current conditions by county, burn bans, and helpful tips regarding wildfires in Florida. For wildfire emergencies, call 911 immediately or contact a local forestry field unit office.